IE Intelligente Energie-Systeme GmbH
Advantages of decentral energy production (for self consumption)

    > reducing energy dependency of the site

    > increasing efficiency by common generation of electricity and
       heat and therefore saving of primary fuel

    > leads to cost reductions

    > leads to CO2 reductions (on the overall view) = advantage for the environment

    > no transmission and distribution grid losses and therefore
       reduction of the grid charges in case of decentral generation

through the on-going development of the technology

    > the efficiencies of decentral plants increased

    > the maintenance intervalls of decentral plants increased

    > load management and control simplified and became cheaper

Decentral generation combines ecology and economy!
IE Intelligente Energie-Systeme GmbH   |    Westbahnstraße 8, A-1070 Vienna    |     |     Impress

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